Tuesday, September 24, 2019

South African heritage day

On Wednesday the 18th we celebrated South African heritage day for Miss B because she is from South Africa.

There are 3 kinds of food that a lot of people eat there is Bunny Chow, Bunny Chow is mince in a loaf of bread. A Smiley is a sheep's head i know it's disgusting and lastly is a Walkie Talkie a Walkie Talkie is chicken feet.We ate some food there was Peppermint caramel tart and beef jerky lastly these coconut and chocolate biscuit.

You know about the haka well they have there thing that is Zulu dancing there is a tridison for boys and girls to dance toplis.

There are 3 clicks but i can't remember what one is which.

Ndebele is a house that has a bunch of patterns search it up they are quiet cool.There is also shacks that people live in in the poorer parts of South Africa.

We made our own shack out of popsicle sticks and we made rock art on a tiny canvas.

Thanks for reading i don't want to go on for to long so bye for now.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Online safety

This week we have been learning about online safety because we use our chromebooks alot at school.

Our class has been saying but what about our blogs that shares a lot of stuff about us such as our name,school,where we've been and lots of other stuff.Here is some stuff that you shouldn't share online your real name,address,personal info,where you're going,what you look like,what school you go to and what town you live in.

Here are some things you can share your favourite hobbies,favourite color,favourite place to go, favourite food and  just your favourite things.