Friday, October 25, 2019

Pet half day

On thursday we had pet half day because this week is book week and our theme is all creatures great and small. We had a few rules for that it had to be a small contained animal so it couldn't be a big dog or a horse. I didn't take anything because my parents didn't have time to bring our little dog down to school. When the pets started to arrive we went into room 7 to say thankyou to all the parents for bringing the pets in then we did a scavenger hunt to find things such as green eyes,black and white,smallest,biggest,longest legs,the fattest and one that you would want to take home I said Troys puppy Turbo. Once you completed it you got your pet and read it a story since not everyone bring a pet you just buddied up with a friend I was with Rebecca she had a bunny called caramel. Then we did the medals for cutest, fattest and others. There were 3 bunnies 2 dogs 1 cat 1 chicken.